AltAccess Securities Company, L.P. (“we” or the “Firm”) is committed to keeping the personal information collected from potential, current and former customers confidential and secure. The proper handling of non-public personal information is one of our highest priorities. We want to be sure, by providing this privacy notice (this “Notice”), that you know why we need to collect personal information from you. We also want to explain to you our commitment to protect the information you provide to us. We do not disclose non-public personal information about our customers or former customers to unaffiliated third parties other than as described below.  Investors using our services are also referred to as “customers” herein. Depending on your country of residency, the types of products and services you are involved with, and the types of personal information you share with us and our affiliates, you may have additional rights as described in the Privacy Notice of Beneficient, a Nevada corporation located at which in such cases is incorporated herein by reference.

Customer Information

In connection with providing investment products and related services, including of our affiliates, we obtain non-public personal information about you (such as your name, address, tax identification number and bank account information) from, as applicable, program documentation, offering documentation, account applications, our discussions with you, information you provide to our affiliates which provide services to you or in connection with offerings or products for which we are involved or provide services, your visiting our site, and documents, forms and other information that you may deliver to us. We also obtain (i) information received from background searches, credit vendors, service bureaus or other third parties and (ii) information about your transactions with us or others, including, if applicable, your financial adviser.

Sharing Information

We will not disclose information regarding you or your account, except to (i) those personnel or service providers to you or your account who need to know such information in the course of their responsibilities, (ii) our affiliates who may offer you products and services, and (iii) government entities or other third parties in response to subpoenas or other legal process as required by law or requested or approved by you, including to combat money laundering. We do not otherwise provide information about you to outside firms, organizations or individuals except to our attorneys, accountants, administrators, auditors or as otherwise required or permitted by law.

With your approval or upon your instruction, we also may share information with your advisors, which may include, but will not be limited to, your accountant and/or attorney. In the normal course of our business, we may disclose information we collect about you to unaffiliated companies or individuals that contract with us to perform servicing functions such as:

  • Record keeping and other administrative services;
  • Computer related services; and
  • Good faith disclosure to regulators who have regulatory authority over the Firm.

Companies we hire to provide support services are not authorized to use your personal information for their own purposes and are obligated to maintain the confidentiality of such information. We limit their use of your personal information to the performance of the specific service we have requested. We do not provide your personally identifiable information to mailing list vendors or solicitors for any purpose. When we provide personal information to a service provider, we expect these providers to safeguard your information, use the information only for the intended purposes and abide by applicable law.  If we attempt to sell our assets or the Firm, we will share your information under a confidentiality agreement with a prospective buyer and its duly authorized representatives.

Employee Access to Information

Only employees who require confidential customer information to perform their jobs are authorized to have access to such information. These employees are educated on the importance of maintaining the confidentiality and security of this information. We maintain physical, electronic, and procedural security measures that comply with applicable state and federal regulations to safeguard confidential customer information. Employees are required to abide by our information handling practices.

Protection of Information

We maintain security standards to protect your information, whether written, spoken or electronic. We update and test our systems to ensure the protection and integrity of information.

Former Customers

If you decide to cease using our services, close your account(s) or otherwise become an inactive or former customer, we will adhere to the privacy policies and practices as described in this Notice.

Maintaining Accurate Information

Our goal is to maintain accurate, up-to-date customer records in accordance with industry standards. When you or any other customer provides us with updated information, we will endeavor to update our records as soon as possible. We do not, however, have a duty to inquire as to changes in the information you provide to us. 


Should you send us your questions and comments via email, we will share your correspondence with those employees, service providers or agents most capable of addressing your questions and concerns. We will retain your communication until it is destroyed pursuant to our destruction policies under applicable law.  Generally, we will archive it in accordance with the requirements under applicable securities laws. Please note that unless we expressly advise you otherwise, our email facilities do not provide a guaranteed means for completely secure and private communications between us and yourself.

Although every attempt will be made to keep your information confidential, from a technical standpoint, there is still a risk. For that reason, please do not use email to communicate information to us that you consider to be confidential. If you wish, you may contact us instead via telephone or by facsimile. Additional security is available to you if you equip your internet browser with 128-bit secure socket layer encryption, which provides more secure transmission.

Disclosure of our Privacy Policy

We recognize and respect the privacy concerns of potential, current and former customers. We are committed to safeguarding any confidential information we receive from such persons. As a member of the financial services industry, we are sending you this Notice for informational purposes and will update and distribute it as required by law. It is also available to you upon request.

Privacy Policy Changes

If we make substantial changes in the way we use or disseminate confidential information, we will revise this Notice.  Such changes will take effect the earlier of (i) when we furnish the new Notice to you and (ii) when the new Notice is made available on our website. 

Your satisfaction is very important to us. Please direct any complaints, questions or security concerns to AltAccess Securities Company, L.P., 325 N. Saint Paul St., 26th Floor, Dallas, Texas 75201, or at, because your privacy and the confidentiality of your information are very important to us.

AltAccess Srcurites

Securities of Beneficient, a Nevada corporation and/or any of its affiliates, subsidiaries and successors (collectively, “Ben”) are offered through AltAccess Securities Company, L.P. an affiliated entity. Member FINRA/SIPC.

For informational and educational purposes only.
The products and services described on this website may not be suitable for all users and you should consult with your legal, tax or other financial advisors prior to taking any action relating to the subject matter contained on this website. The contents hereof do not constitute an offer, solicitation or recommendation to buy, sell or exchange any security, which can only be made by delivery to eligible, qualified investors of definitive offering or transaction documents. No representation is made that any transaction or investor will achieve its objectives or will make any profit or avoid losses.  Past performance is not indicative of future results. 

Ben’s products and services are not insured by the FDIC or any other government agency, are not guaranteed by Ben or its subsidiaries or affiliates, may lose value, and are not a Bank deposit.